An original title for this, but it is a good question. Given my role in the various businesses I advise and my frustration at writing credible books, I should have plenty to write about. We'll start with the books. Maybe I haven't tried everything to get them published, but I am starting to run out of ideas. I thought the Authonomy website would be the answer to everything - after all, the feedback on the site for my work was great. What I didn't realise is that books there don't get published on merit - you have to canvass everyone else on the site, and beg steal and borrow votes. That isn't for me.
I now have 5 completed manuscripts, one published by another pretty ineffective outfit. My first sojourn into semi self publishing hasn't been the success I was promised. For every other aspiring author out there, beware the promises of self publishing outfits. They don't do as they say on the tin. Like politicians, they promise everything until they have your money. Normally with a politician it would be your vote, but just take a look on the state of the UK today and tell me they're not the same thing. More again soon.
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